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Why I created Great Gift Guides

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

Finding and presenting the perfect gift can be hard. There is so much to chose from and the process can be overwhelming. Even if you know the person very well, like a husband or child, it can still be frustrating trying to find something that will elicit that joyous expression you crave when they unwrap their present.

Many times I defaulted to just asking my family to "pick something" and then just buying it and putting a ribbon on it. No real surprise and delight, its obvious what it is and lots of times, even the person struggled to find something they want.

An even harder time is when you don't know the person that well but need to bring something to a birthday party or some other occasion. At these times, we tend to buy something typical and not terribly memorable....a bottle of wine, a vase...and unless they are really into wine and flowers, they put it away and forget who gave it to them.

With all that being said, I have personally struggled with gift giving and found that searches and gift guides are either too much choice or to too little. And most of the time, you need to know beforehand what you are looking for...searching for BBQ sets on Google or looking through gift guides specific retailer sites. And sometimes, the best gift is not bought in a store.

My aim with The Gifter is to offer a lot of selection from a lot of different retailers, broken out by simple and easy categories. If you don't find the perfect gift, my hope is that you got some ideas that will steer you in the right direction.

Lastly, I think one big under-appreciated aspect of gift giving is the presentation of the gift. Sometimes it is not the gift itself, but the thought and creativity on how it is given. Read through my upcoming blogs for amazing gift giving presentations to make a simple gift look thoughtful and memorable.

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